Time Management, Productivity and Creativity

Your time is limited, productivity expectations are increasing; all while you have to come up with creative solutions.
Tips include:
• Time Management
• Workspace Set-up
• Procrastination Busters
• Work-Life Balance
• Effective Communication

Home Office Efficiency, Creativity and the Human Element: Technology is NOT the Solution

Part 1 of 2 As a small business owner, freelancer, or tele-communter you need to be efficient with the many aspects of your home office and business. The marketplace keeps selling you on technology as the answer. If you use the “right” computer, smartphone, tablet, peripheral, software or social media your work will be easier,…There’s more. Click here.

Navy SEAL Energy Tips For Success: Maintain Your Energy and Focus

Navy SEAL energy tips for success  Energy Tips for Success Being a success at anything, any business, any passion, any goal requires energy. Physical, mental and emotional energy. Here are Navy SEAL energy tips for success on how do you keep your energy high. Plus my own experience (as a whimp) using these tips. “It’s…There’s more. Click here.

Home Office Tech Smarts: Symptoms of a Dying Laptop or Computer

If you are like me, buying a new computer is more daunting than buying a new car.  Somehow RAM, gigabytes and processors are more confusing than cylinders, horsepower and a CD player. Recently my laptop was showing signs of collapse.  A week later Unplggd posted an article about the symptoms of a computer on the…There’s more. Click here.

3 Options to Help You De-Clutter Your Email Inbox

The day after I bought and registered the warrantee for a new printer for my home office I started receiving multiple emails touting their other products. Sorry, not interested. Does your email inbox look like a traffic jam? Do you keep getting the same junk mail over and over again? You have three ways to…There’s more. Click here.

Office Music to Work By: Create a Rhythm for Your Workday

Part of creating an optimal home office is fine-tuning your work-at-home environment. Music is a great way to add just the right amount of stimulation to your home office and set the rhythm for your work Ideally you should match the kind of music you listen to with the kind of work you do. When…There’s more. Click here.